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Since 1 January 2017, Agroscope consists of three Competence Divisions for Research Technology and Knowledge Exchange, as well as seven Strategic Research Divisions and the Resources Unit. The Competence Divisions are primarily responsible for links with practice (farmers, businesses, extension), whilst the Research Divisions bear the main responsibility for links with the research sector (universities, research institutes, the scientific community). The Agroscope Executive Board consists of the Head of Agroscope Eva Reinhard, together with the Head of the Resources Unit as well as the Heads of the three Competence Divisions and seven Research Divisions. Further details can be gleaned from the organisational chart.  

Agroscope is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture. Its strategic orientation is determined by the Agroscope Council.

Agroscope’s key tasks are as follows:

1.    Research and development for the agriculture and food sector;

2.    Policy advice for government agencies;

3.    Enforcement tasks in accordance with statutory provisions.

These three main functions enable numerous synergies, and position Agroscope as a bridge-builder between basic and applied research. 


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